
A templating engine failure in every sense of the word.

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Warning: This project has been flagged as absolute trash by it's creator. While he does have the power to destroy it, he wishes to show mercy and let it hang out as a reminder that some ideas are bad and just don't pan out.

Superceeded ideologically by arcana.

Use Very Good Templating Engine for all of your templating needs. Or do not. I am not a beggar.
- Ron Swanson, Parks and Recreation


From Source

To install from source, you must have git and cargo installed.

git clone "" NAME
cargo install --path vgc
cargo install --path vgd



The core functionality of the templating engine.


The command-line compiler.


A command line deployment program driven by a configuration file. Useful for moving/compiling files in bulk to a distribution/deployment directory.



A vg template is just a text file. A template can contain variables (ex: {{ text }}), tags (ex: {% block body %}{% endblock body %}), comments (ex: {# a comment #}), and content. Variables are placeholders waiting to be replaced by the output of tags. Tags can define content and control the flow of a document. Comments are completely ignored. Content is everything else that is not recognized by the parser.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
        <title>{% if title %}{{ title }}{% else %}Home{% endif %}</title>
            {% for section in "/objects/sections" -%}
                <li><a href="{{ section.localurl }}">{{ }}</a></li>
            {% else %}
                <li>No sections have been added... yet.</li>
            {%- endfor %}

        {% if title %}<h1>{{ title }}</h1>{% endif %}

        {% if body %}{{ body }}{% endif %}

The above example shows an extendable template. It has variables which could be defined by tags within a child-template, but it will also compile to viewable output on its own.

If it were compiled directory using vgc, assuming that nothing exists within the /objects/sections directory yet, the following would be the output:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
            <li>No sections have been added... yet.</li>



A child-template could extend the above template to define some of the variables such as {{ title }} and {{ body }}:

{% extends "/objects/template.jinja" %}
{% block title %}Child{% endblock %}
{% block body -%}
    <p>Here is a paragraph defined by the child-template!</p>
{%- endblock %}

If this child-template were compiled using vgc, still assuming that nothing exists within the /objects/sections directory, the following would be the output:

<html lang="en">
            <li>No sections have been added... yet.</li>


        <p>Here is a paragraph defined by the child-template!</p>


Defined as {% keyword [...] %}.


{% ignore %}

Instructs the parser to ignore the file entirely. If used on a page it will return an error. vgd will handle this error peacefully and gives the optional functionality of deleting the destination file when the source is ignored. If found in an included file or a for-loop item, the file will be ignored.



{% extends "<PATH>" %}

Sets the implementing template as a child of the template specified in the PATH value. The implementing template's block tags will be used to set the values for variables found within the PATH template.



{% include "<PATH>" %}

Includes the file content of PATH. This inclusion occurs in during the parsing pass on the implementing template, so included tags will be honored.

Consider the file /section.jinja:

{# /section.jinja #}
{% block text %}
    Here is some text.
{% endblock %}

As well as the file /page.jinja:

{# /page.jinja #}
{% include "/section.jinja" %}
{{ text }}

Compiling /page.jinja would result in the following:

Here is some text.

This is because the include tag reads the content of the target file into the vg parser, so blocks, loops, etc. are honored.

Include As
{% include "<PATH>" as item %}

The as keyword allows scoping the templating items found in the included template. For example: if the template found at <PATH> contained a block named name, it will now be effectively named

Include Raw
{% include raw "<PATH>" %}

The raw keyword reads the file directly with no parsing. This can be used when a file contains very-good syntax.

Include Md
{% include md "<PATH>" %}

The md keyword reads the file directly into the no-flavor markdown parser and outputs the result directly with no parsing. This is used to generate these docs. If the processing of very-good tags is needed, consider including within a block and displaying using the markdown filter on the variable.


{% block text %}Here is some text{% endblock text %}

Defines content used to set variables in parent templates or in the implementing template occuring after the block tag. The trailing name in the endblock tag is optional and matching the opening tag is completely ignored.


{% if NAME %}{{ NAME }}{% else %}Default thing.{% endif %}

Checks for the existence of an implementation of NAME and uses the contents between the if and else tags if the implementation exists. Otherwise, it will use the contents between the else and endif tags.

{% if !NAME %}Default thing.{% else %}{{ NAME }}{% endif %}

The inverse of the aforementioned example. Checks for the absence of an implementation of NAME and uses the contents between if and else if the implementation does not exist. Otherwise, it will use the contents between the else and endif tags.

Empty/Not Empty
{% if NAME not empty %}{{ NAME }}{% else %}Default name.{% endif %}

Checks for not only the existence of an implementation of NAME, but also verifies that the value of the implementation is not empty.

{% if NAME empty %}Default name.{% else %}{{ NAME }}{% endif %}

The inverse of the aforementioned example.


{% for item in "<PATH-TO-DIR>" %}
    {% if item.text %}
        <p>{{ item.text }}</p>
    {% else %}
        <p>{{ item }}</p>
    {% endif %}
{% else %}
    <p>No items.</p>
{% endfor %}
{% for item in "<PATH-TO-FILE>" %}
    {% if item.text %}
        <p>{{ item.text }}</p>
    {% else %}
        <p>{{ item }}</p>
    {% endif %}
{% else %}
    <p>No items.</p>
{% endfor %}

Clones the inner content and implements for the specified file or for each file in the specified directory. If the file(s) found extend another template, then the file will be completely compiled before handling the inner content.


Defined as {{ NAME }}. Variables expect to be implemented by tags. The output of the variable's implementation can be augmented with filters. If a variable is not wrapped in an if block checking for it's existence, then its definition will be included in the output when it is not implemented.


Variables can be defined as nullable by succeeding the name with a question-mark. This is effectively syntactic-sugar for wrapping the variable in an if block with an exists condition. Consider the following file at /page.jinja:

{{ text? }}

If this file was compiled, its output would be blank.


Filters modify the content implementing the variable. They can be triggered by using a pipe after a variable name.

{% block text %}
    Here is some text.
    And here is some more.
{% endblock %}
{{ text | detab | flatten | trim }}

This example would compile to the following.

Here is some text. And here is some more.

Replaces all newlines with spaces.


Removes all tabs.


Trims the start and end of the content.


Makes the content uppercase.


Makes the content lowercase.

{{ item | replace " " "_" }}

Replaces the first quoted item with the second.

{{ item | md }}

Parses the item from No-Flavor markdown to html.


Defined as {# CONTENT #}. Comments are ignored after the initial parsing pass.


Meta Paths

Consider the following template at /objects/template.jinja.

{% for item in "{{ item-directory }}" %}
    {{ item }}
{% endfor %}

The variable found within the PATH portion of the for-tag definition can be templated in a single pass of the compiler to allow for dynamic extends, loops, and inclusions.